
Mistakes With Lighting in Coliving Space – Ways To Fix It

Coliving and shared spaces require well-thought-out lighting design. This helps to optimize electricity consumption in shared accommodation spaces, in addition to boosting customer satisfaction. Identify specific task areas (e.g., study desk, kitchen counter) and provide focused task lighting such as desk lamps, under-cabinet lighting, or pendant lights. No room, common area, entrance, or passage should have too much or too little lighting in the Coliving setup. Too much light can cause discomfort, glare, headaches, and eye strain. Furthermore, excessive light may disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress.

Implementing smart lighting solutions in coliving spaces that allow residents to control brightness, color temperature, and even lighting using smartphones or voice commands can help optimize electricity consumption.

Suggestions for Lighting Arrangement in Coliving Setup

  • Divide the coliving space into zones based on its usage purpose (e.g., common areas, individual bedrooms, kitchen, dining).
  • Use a light-colored window curtain to maximize the flow of natural light during the day while maintaining privacy.
  • Place mirrors strategically to reflect natural light and make the room feel more spacious.
  • Ensure well-lit entrances and common pathways for safety and security.
  • Provide bedside lighting with adjustable wall-mounted fixtures or table lamps for individual control.
  • Recessed lighting can be used in common amenities for the even distribution of light. Position them strategically to avoid dark corners.
  • Consider the color temperature of the light. Warm tones (2700K–3000K) are cozy and suitable for living areas, while cool tones (3500K–5000K) are energizing and suitable for task-oriented spaces.
  • Use energy-efficient LED bulbs, which offer a range of color temperatures and last longer than traditional bulbs.
  • Highlight artwork, architectural features, or decorative elements with accent lighting, such as spotlights or adjustable wall-mounted fixtures.
  • Ensure that light sources are positioned to minimize glare and harsh shadows.
  • Plan the furniture placement to ensure that the lighting effectively covers the entire room.
  • Avoid overcrowding the room with too many fixtures, which can create visual clutter.

Ideas to Optimize Electricity Consumption in Coliving

  • If the rooms in coliving spaces include a reading or seating area, add adjustable floor or table lamps for targeted lighting.
  • Aim for a balanced combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a visually appealing and functional space.
  • Install dimmer switches to adjust the light’s intensity to suit various activities and moods. Adjusting the brightness of lights when it’s not necessary can also help save electricity.
  • Consider smart lighting options that allow you to control brightness and color temperature through a smartphone or smart home system.
  • Use adaptable lighting solutions in coliving that can be customized based on the time of day and specific activities in each zone.

Appropriate lighting in Coliving spaces may create a dynamic and welcoming atmosphere that caters to the various demands of their residents by integrating smart design concepts with cutting-edge lighting technologies. The coliving manager should regularly assess the lighting design’s efficacy and remain flexible in adapting to resident input and changing preferences.


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Lighting Arrangement in Coliving setup

COLT-FMS (COLT Facility Management Solution)



Images by: ledmyspace

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Willaim Wright

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